Monday, 16 September 2019

Good FeedBack

6 Teacher-Approved Tips for Faster, More Effective Feedback !!!

 Giving students good feedback is crucial, but it can also be incredibly time-consuming. So this website went straight to the source—experienced teachers—and identified some of the best advice they could find for striking the right balance between effective assessment and a reasonable workload.
 Do you agree with these advices?
Let me know what you think.
You can also add more if you want!!!!!!

Thursday, 13 June 2019

IT IS rainning a lottttttt !!!!!!

Tasks, Macrofunctions, Microfunctions, Grammar + The Six Steps and The Seven Principles

1) SCHEMA BUILDING: Listen to a song about money to see new vocabulary related with money and actions related with it (borrow, owe, waste, invest, etc). 2) CONTROLL PRACTICE: Listen to a conversation between a bank employee and a client who does not know what to do with some money he inherit 3) AUTHENTIC LISTEN PRACTICE: Listen to different experts talking about what to do with extra money (lawers, counters, investors, builders, stock exchange consultants, brokers) 4) FOCUS ON LINGUISTICS ELEMENTS: Listen again the different experts and students have to complete some sentences with the correct verb they listen in the correct form of the verb (future going to) 5) PROVIDE FREER PRACTICE: Studenrs will role play a situation where one is the expert and the other is the client. 6) PEDAGOGICAL TASK: Write an e-mail to a friend or family member telling them what sort of recomendation de they get from the experts. TASKS: Write an article for the newspaper where they give advice on how to invest the money. MACROFUNCTIONS: Interpersonal or social. MICROFUNCTIONS: Giving advice/ share information. GRAMMAR: -Use of modal verbs (Should, Shouldn't, Could, Mustn't) -Future: "be going to"

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